WHAT IS center for independant learning?

It’s a classroom equipped with modern learning technology. In it you acquire, consolidate or upgrade your knowledge in your own way. The employees of the center will advise you on choosing suitable learning materials.

HOW DOES center for independant learning WORK?

You learn independently, adapt the pace of learning to your own pace and speed or available time. You tailor the content and method of learning to your interests and abilities. You’re learning with materials tailored for self-study.

The center employees are available at all times.

WHO can come and learn?

  • Anyone who wants to learn, even those who need counseling for learning,
  • Adapting learning to your needs (free choice of content, learning methods and pace),
  • Anyone who finds it difficult to reconcile time and place of study or education with other commitments,
  • For all of you who lack the means to pay for your own education – learning in the center is free.


  • foreign languages, computer use, the Slovenian language,
  • successful and effective learning,
  • and many other learning contents.

The advantages of studying at the center are:

  • its free of charge, its flexible, its accessible,
  • accessibility at any time, individual learning pace, individuality of learning, you choose your own content,
  • self-check of knowledge progress, better quality of learning,
  • you choose appropriate teaching material and
  • individual counselling assistance by the center employee.

The effects of organised independent learning are reflected in:

  • enhancing learning opportunities,
  • providing counselling and professional assistance,
  • fostering a culture of learning,
  • promoting lifelong learning,
  • learning basic skills,
  • reducing social exclusion in access to learning and knowledge.

Contact person for the center for independent learning:

Irena Šmid Jeram, irena.smidjeram@mocis.si, 070 500 608

    Center activities:

    • work directly with users of the Centre for Independent Learning,
    • promote the Centre for Independent Learning in the local environment,
    • developement of organised independent learning activities.

    Importance of carrying out the activity of the center:

    • Enrichment of education offerings,
    • provision of professional assistance – motivation of individuals for learning,
    • promotion culture of learning and promotion of lifelong learning,
    • mastering basic skills,
    • reduction of social differentiation and knowledge access,
    • informing general public,
    • motivation of centers participants in organised forms of education.



    Our brains have an incredible and inexhaustible capacity to store information. Every day, they store vast amounts of our impressions, our experiences, all kinds of data. The main problem arises when we really need some information that’s in our memory and we need to call it up from our memory store. The key to effective and practical memorization lies in “awareness” of this automatic process and control over it. Just as we train our bodies and become physically stronger, we can also improve our memory through regular exercise and nutrition.


    At the workshop, you will learn:

    • basic memory principles,
    • specific memory techniques that you can immediately apply in your daily life,
    • exercises to improve concentration and attention,
    • strategies to improve concentration skills.

    TEACHING STYLES AND TYPES (4 school hours)

    A good motivation to learn and a good learning style are the key to successful learning and significantly contribute to better results.

    At the workshop, you will learn:

    • What kind of learner are you
    • You will learn about your personal learning style and what is characteristic of your learning
    • You will identify which of the seven intelligences are dominant in you and which learning styles are appropriate for you
    • You will learn about the characteristics of adult learning, how to change negative attitudes about your own ability to learn and how to increase motivation to learn

    PARENT’S HELP IN CHILDREN’S LEARNING (4 or 8 school hours)

    All parents know the dilemmas we face when we have children at school. There are few children who do not encounter problems in learning and understanding school material. Almost every student needs help with learning, but what kind and how much time depends on the individual child. Most of the time, children resist learning because they do not master the appropriate strategies to be able to learn successfully.

    And how can parents help with this?

    At the workshop, you will learn:

    • how to motivate your child to learn,
    • what your child’s learning type is,
    • teaching techniques for different learning types,
    • how to effectively plan your child’s learning,
    • what your child’s learning style is and how to improve it,
    • how parents help their child to learn successfully (recommended behaviour, discouraged behaviour),
    • how to help a child who has difficulty with learning.

      SUCCESSFUL PASSING OF EXAMS (2 school hours)

      The goal of every student is to complete the learning of a subject by successfully passing an exam. It often happens that we feel uncomfortable before the exam, sometimes we even panic. The fear of exams can be controlled.
      At the workshop, you will learn:
      • strategies to help you with your memmory,
      • how to plan for an exam,
      • how to prepare effectively for an exam,
      • tips for more effective writing, practical and oral exams,
      • how to manage daily stress, and how to cope with test anxiety.


      Effective learning presupposes the active role of the learner in the learning process. This is only possible when the learner has knowledge of how to tackle the learning material, how to organise learning in the environment and how to take into account our own learning specificities.

      At the workshop, you will learn:

      • how to develop strategies for self-learning planning (organization of the learning space, learning planning based on one’s own biorhythm, preferred perception, cognition and learning style),
      • how to design learning objectives and one’s own performance criteria (defining short and long-term learning goals, anticipated learning barriers),
      • how to effectively process material in a time-saving manner,
      • how to learn with effective reading techniques,
      • what good and quality notes are to help you learn,
      • how to mind map and how to learn from it.

          A LIST OF FREE EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL (in Slovenian language)

          1. Osnove dela z računalnikom
          2. Možnost elektronskega poslovanja v naši okolici
          3. Osnove računalništva
          4. Strojna oprema
          5. Tudi starejši samostojno uporabljamo računalnik
          6. Svet skozi ekran računalništva
          7. Digitalna pismenost
          8. Digitalno medkulturno povezovanje – priročnik
          9. Družabna omrežja
          10. E-gradivo za učenje programskega jezika Python (diplomsko delo)
          11. HTML vodiči
          12. Internet in elektronska pošta
          13. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom – Priročnik za digitalne pismenosti, Izdelava predstavitev – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
          14. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom – Priročnik za digitalne pismenosti, Obdelava besedil – Microsoft Word 2010
          15. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom – Priročnik za digitalne pismenosti, Podatkovne baze – Microsoft Access 2010, priročnik
          16. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom – Priročnik za digitalne pismenosti, Preglednice – Microsoft Excel 2010, priročnik
          17. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom, Internet in elektronska pošta, skripta
          18. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom, Izdelava predstavitev – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, skripta
          19. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom, Osnovni pojmi informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije – Priročnik za digitalne pismenosti
          20. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom, Podatkovne baze – Microsoft Access 2010, skripta
          21. IT desk.info – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom,Osnovni pojmi informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije – skripta
          22. Izdelava brezplačne spletne strani v wordpressu
          23. Osnove informatike, osnove programa okna
          24. Osnove obdelave digitalnih fotografij na osebnem računalniku.
          25. Osnove računalništva
          26. Osnove računalništva
          27. Photoshop vodiči
          28. Priprava elektronskih predstavitev
          29. Svet skozi ekran računalništva
          30. Napredna uporaba operacijskega sistema
          31. Protivirusna zaščita
          32. Zaščita pred spletnimi zlorabami
          33. Uporabniški vmesniki
          34. Računalniške predstavitve
          35. Preglednice
          36. Uporaba računalnika (z e-gradivi projekta UPSKILLEAD)
          37. Uporabno računalništvo – učbenik
          38. Urejevalnik besedil
          39. Urejevalnik tabel EXCEL
          40. Windows vodiči





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          Likovna umetnost





